Our video about how to make a video

Every day, we consult businesses and organizations on the importance of communicating who they are, why they exist, and what sets them apart from their competition. Simply stated, we break down your message into easy to understand, bite-sized bits that, together, make a film that helps to connect you with your clients. 

We've been preaching this for so long, we practically preach it in our sleep. 

A few months ago, we started discovering that quite a few of our potential clients misunderstood our process of making films. You know the old adage "The shoemaker's children go barefoot?" We metaphorically looked down and found we had no shoes on our feet, and it hit us like a wooden shoe to the back of the head: We make films explaining everyone else's process, and yet we had no such film ourselves.


It was time to practice what we preach, so we picked up our scissors and hammers (or whatever tool cobblers use), and made ourselves a pair of snazzy sneaks. Enjoy.